
First Lego League is an international program aimed towards getting learners from the age of 9-16 years old interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The children work in teams and need a coach to guide them. The School of IT at Nelson Mandela University train the coach and the learners.

A FIRST LEGO League challenge has three parts:

  • A research assignment called “The Project”. In the project learners must research a defined, real-world problem affecting their community and design an innovative solution for the problem.
  • A “Robot Game” where students design, build and program a robot using LEGO MINDSTORMS technology. The robot must be developed to autonomously complete a series of missions on a thematic playing field
  • Learners participate in the Robot Game and the Project while demonstrating 8 Core Values. The core values teaches learners important life skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, creativity and teamwork.

We do provide training free of charge to anyone interested. We facilitate a series of two day Lego Robotics workshops to teams and their coaches at a date that suits each team. 





Contact information
Ms Annelise Du Preez
HOD - Department of Applied Technologies
Tel: +27 41 504 3143